Những kiêng kỵ trong xây dựng nhà ở

Những kiêng kỵ trong xây dựng nhà ở, ở việt nam

Những kiêng kỵ trong xây dựng nhà ở

  • Kỵ Gió Thới Too để
  • When you going Mua Nhà Bè going one past xem XET Xung around to make sure environments Xung around you existing conditions any any cập not. The first and will be Note to 'Cần Giờ. If any khuất Vực almost nha Minh that Cần Giờ, powerful you should not Mua.
  • Trong phong thủy education, people ta Note Important first to 'The following khuất Vực not coi la "Tang phong the word when", bài hát if Cần Giờ lightweight where it again Nông Thị there are also be where should not Mua because instruments will save the thong to be more. Environments lí Tưởng first to where is the where you Gió Thới lightweight, do not instruments in Lãnh, mát Diu and Sang sảng khoái.
  • Kỵ Tường white space Ngòi xanh
  • Arch of Ngoi Nha absolute kỵ to use Tường white space Ngòi xanh because of those colors have some phân in the linh line, Nha Vu Mã, Nhà Tưởng Niệm ... invalid use in trang position The following Ngoi Nha for out.
  • Kỳ Lâm Nha near Chợ
  • Chợ out any City of most von dĩ invalid to make Nha bởi here is where giao info going back Hòn Loan, always be Mũi Xu UE of rác Thái and ô nhiem audio làm tiếng về da cam. If bài hát Lâu out any where such, suc khoe in your will affect. Especially for the biet thu you as non avoid The following cho cho Bua such.
  • Kỵ looks style Nha Too Special
  • Along with choices Development of vực kinh doanh reference Ốc out nuoc ta, nhu request to the nha in the well augmented non suspend. Tâm lí con people common Thích Minh have an personal computer to its own specially has the same as AI, and will be arch Kỹ sư common nghien cuu and designed ra The following Ngoi Nha Special măng DẤU ẤN of chủ nha.
  • Dĩ natural that any Ngoi Nha tiny Đẹp bài hát are also has less Ngoi Nha you looks style quái dị. The following Ngoi Nha is not appropriate with Nguyễn Tác of phong thủy, bài hát if in which the while day would make cho gia chủ Cảm any non thoai mai or would Move Lại Văn bad pages.
  • Kỵ cascade one of Nha too high
  • On the selected Nhà Bè quan sat environments Xung around one way Cẩn hơn. If Ngoi Nha does too high, and phần tư inside it again with no one Chợ Dừa that you will not be best cho phong thủy. Bài hát take a while in the Ngoi Nha nhu the will be make you are Tâm lí CÔ menu bar. If cascade one of your Nha too high during the cascade Other Again lower would make into the construct Invalid lí.
  • Kỵ Window policy too low
  • Nha out where Window Large Đường natural that any lợi, bài hát if day that are through going back one Window too low you are also has Thuận tiện ích Sử Dụng. Height of the Nha also degrees standard input as height of the person Trường Thành. If lower bottom level standard input, you will need to Cui people to ra on, do not need to say you any choices any lợi ra sao.
  • Kỵ Mái Nha cullver and in suốt
  • Trọng quan niem of the person you xua Trỗi Trọng, Đất square; looks cullver is the effect, looks square Latin. Nha out and will be Tĩnh rather than the should not effect. Chính VI The following Ngoi Nha looks cullver Only suitable for Lâm Văn room company rather than the invalid use in out. Ngoai ra, architecture of the Ngoi Nha to use secure equal viewfinder is only valid with non gian văn room with no choices individual tư, rather than the invalid for the Nha out.
  • Kỵ Đất DOC, on exit ra ngoai
  • Ngoi Nha building in the Đất been DOC Tất natural that any lợi, instruments will exit ra ngoai as nuoc Chảy into place lower than the. If you want make sure Đất has been doc or not you can quan sat on Hom Trỗi MUA, xem nuoc Mưa Chảy going Đậu or files trung leading.
  • Nhã Kỳ been Phan Anh present
  • Trọng arch Current max, the Buc Tường using viewfinder day as in use more than. Mặc even those Ngoi Nha of this much Đẹp bài hát that it again made an choices "ô nhiem light" the new. If you are using viewfinder Phan Quang for trang position nha you affect of it back as added Fatal, graphics physical hai inside Nha will nứt. One of time length must be chiu choices Phan Quang This will make Tâm lí bài hát people in Nha return and will be Khô khan.
  • Mái Nhã Kỳ that tháp Nhơn
  • Should not bài hát in the Ngoi Nha where is the objects interfaces Mái Nha been designed with any tháp Nhơn big. In some cases mandatory non phân for captured bài hát or as lí làm mi quan right Xây tháp Nhơn, the best first ta You should bài hát way which the distance 200m. If tháp which the recent cao just almost nha Minh Thi best first see the che rem in the Window to avoid been affect.
  • Kỵ missing 'light
  • On the selected Nha, do not any must choose any place non instruments in clean thoáng mát where, but not a sufficient light. Ngoi Nha not enough light would make chords instruments fatal nề, working for the hát in which the one Tâm lí been override Nẵng.
  • Kỵ designed release lang out Biệt Thự
  • Thiết kế Biệt Thự regular non măng any specific Sắc individual, The people and will be ta hay use the release lang, tuong vay, Hòn không local ... for trang location. However in phong thủy education, except for any where like public Computer hay trang Computer wide max ra regular You should avoid designed release lang length and Uôn around Nha because of operating lang will be as a đút instruments in Nha. Chính VI should not as a release lang in Biệt Thự.
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Blog by Hoang viet
CÔNG TY TNHH KINH DOANH CƠ KHÍ HOÀNG HUY 36 Thụy Phương - Đông NGạc - Từ Liêm - Hà Nội Mail: cokhihoanghuy@yahoo.com.vn Website: cokhihoanghuy.com Hotline: 097 852 8438 (Mr: Huy)